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34 Datensätze gefundenDie Anfrage war Beitragender:("Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna (Ed.)")
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# Ausw.
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1. IHS
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Milne, Frank.
Finance Theory and Asset Pricing
1. Ed..Oxford, Clarendon Press; 1995. 128 pp..
Milne, Frank, Finance Theory and Asset Pricing (Google Book Search, Limited Preview)
2. IHS
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holzner, b(urkart) (ed.).
realizing social science knowledge:the political realization of social science knowledge and research: toward new scenarios ; symposium:lazarsfeld, paul f. ; in memoriam
1. ed., international conference on the political realization of social science knowledge ; institute for advanced studies, vienna (sp.),ihs-studies; no. 3. wien, wuerzburg, physica-verlag; 1983. 336 pp..
3. IHS
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diekmann, andreas (ed.).
stochastic modelling of social processes:contributions result mainly from a series of lectures held by guest professors and staff members at the institute for advanced
1. ed..orlando, san diego, san francisco, academic press; 1984. x, 341 pp..
4. IHS
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kraemer, walter; sonnberger, harald.
the linear regression model under test
1. ed..heidelberg, wien, physica-verlag; 1986. ix, 189 pp., 9 figures.
5. IHS
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coleman, james s(amuel).
longitudinal data analysis
1. ed.,paul f. lazarsfeld lecture in sociology series, institute for advanced studies, vienna (ed.). new york, basic books, inc., publishers, institute for advanced studies, vienna (ed.); 1981. xiv, 300 pp..
6. IHS
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brams, s(teven) j. (ed.).
applied game theory:proceedings
1. ed., conference (applied game theory) ; institute for advanced studies, vienna (sp.) ; vienna ; 1978, june 13-16,ihs-studies; no. 1, institute for advanced studies, vienna (ed.). wuerzburg, wien, physica-verlag, institute for advanced studies, vienna (ed.); 1979. 447 pp..
7. IHS
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frisch, h(elmut) (ed.).
inflation in small countries:proceedings
1. ed., international conference inflation in small countries ; institute for advanced studies, vienna (sp.) ; vienna ; 1974, november,lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems; 119, beckmann, m(artin) (ed.) ; kuenzi, h(ans) p(aul) (ed.), economics. berlin, heidelberg, new york, springer-verlag, beckmann, m(artin) (ed.) ; kuenzi, h(ans) p(aul) (ed.); 1976. vi, 356 pp..
8. IHS
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schwoediauer, gerhard (ed.).
equilibrium and disequilibrium in economic theory:proceedings
1. ed., conference ; institute for advanced studies (sp.) ; vienna, austria ; 1974, july 3-5,theory and decision library; vol. 13, eberlein, herald (ed.) ; leinfellner, werner (ed.), an international series in the philosophy and methodology of the social and behavioral sciences. dordrecht, boston, d. reidel publishing company, eberlein, herald (ed.) ; leinfellner, werner (ed.); 1978. l, 736 pp..
9. IHS
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Wallace, Claire (Ed.).
Households, Work and Flexibility; #3:HWF Survey - Country Survey Reports ; An International Research Project (2000-2003) supported by the Programme "Improving Human
1. Ed.,HWF Series of Project Research Reports; 3. Vienna, Institute for Advanced Studies; 2003, May. 457 pp., Annex.
Wallace, Claire (Ed.) - et al., Households, Work and Flexibility Homepage
10. IHS
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Wallace, Claire (Ed.).
Households, Work and Flexibility; #2:Country Contextual Reports - Demographic Trends, Labour Market and Social Policies ; An International Research Project
1. Ed.,HWF Series of Project Research Reports; 2. Vienna, Institute for Advanced Studies; 2003, May. 349 pp., Annex.
Wallace, Claire (Ed.) - et al., Households, Work and Flexibility Homepage
34 Datensätze gefundenDie Anfrage war Beitragender:("Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna (Ed.)")
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