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<section name="raw">
      <record key="001" att1="001" value="LIB90264600X" att2="LIB90264600X">001   LIB90264600X</record>
      <field key="037" subkey="x">englisch</field>
      <field key="050" subkey="x">Buch</field>
      <field key="076" subkey="">Sozialwissenschaft</field>
      <field key="100" subkey="">northrop, f.s.c.</field>
      <field key="331" subkey="">the logic of the sciences and the humanities</field>
      <field key="335" subkey="a">macintosh, douglas c. ; sheffer, henry m. ; to</field>
      <field key="403" subkey="">9. pr.</field>
      <field key="410" subkey="">new york</field>
      <field key="412" subkey="">the world publishing company</field>
      <field key="425" subkey="">1971, october</field>
      <field key="433" subkey="">xiv, 402 pp.</field>
      <field key="451" subkey="">a meridian book; m71</field>
      <field key="517" subkey="c">from the table of contents: the initiation of inquiry; the analysis of the problem; the natural history stage of inquiry; the</field>
      <field key="sta" subkey="g">e of deductively formulated theory; the possible concepts by intuition and concepts by postulation as a basic terminology for</field>
      <field key="com" subkey="p">arative philosophy; the two kinds of deductively formulated theory; epistemic correlations and operational definitions; the</field>
      <field key="met" subkey="h">od and theories of physical science in their bearing on biological organization; the functions and future of poetry; body and</field>
      <field key="min" subkey="d">; the concept of probability in quantum mechanics; causality in field physics in its bearing upon biological causation; the</field>
      <field key="met" subkey="h">od and limited predictive power of classical economic science; generalizations in social science; pareto's general sociology;</field>
      <field key="the" subkey="">ideological problems of social science; the criterion of the good state; philosophical method and world peace; toward a bill</field>
      <field key="of" subkey="r">ights for the united nations; educational method for world understanding; the scientific method for determining the normative</field>
      <field key="soc" subkey="i">al theory of the ends of human action; the physical sciences, philosophy and human values; the methods and grounds of</field>
      <field key="rel" subkey="i">guous knowledge; logic and civilization;</field>
      <field key="544" subkey="">5710-A</field>
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